How To#

This document is meant to help new comers to the project to handle it

I want to suggest a modification#

Please submit a Pull Request on our project on github .

We are using standard github PR process. This link will help you to follow it.

Please READ the CODING file before creating the PR. In particular:

  1. Format Python files using black. black is available as a formatter in some IDEs, or can be run manually from the repo root as python -m black *.py collectives

  2. Check Python files for errors using pylint, find collectives -name "*.py" -exec python -m pylint {} \+

  3. Make sure you are documenting your classes, methods and functions.

I want to install it on my computer to develop it#

Regular method with VS Code#

For Windows, Linux and probably Mac:

  1. Please install git and python3 and VS Code.

  2. Create an empty folder somewhere on your computer. The folder will be the workspace.

  3. Open VSCode.

  4. In Extension (Ctrl+Shift+X), install Python module. Other recommended modules are SQLite.

  5. Click on Clone git repository. Select Clone from github. Sign into Github.

  6. Clone “Club-Alpin-Annecy/collectives” or your personnal fork.

  7. When asked, open the cloned repository

  8. Open terminal (Ctrl+shift+ù)

  9. Execute pip install virtualenv (Virtualenv is highly recommended)

  10. Create a virtual in .env: virtualenv .env

  11. If VSCode notice the new environment (bottom right popup), select Yes

  12. Activate it: . .env/Scripts/activate for Windows, . .env/bin/activate for Linux.

  13. Install required pip: pip install -r requirements.txt; pip install -r requirements-tools.txt.

  14. Run FLASK_APP="collectives:create_app" flask db upgrade to populate the local database.

  15. Start debugging (F5)

  16. On MacOS, the port 5000 is already used by Apple Airplay Receiver. Deactivate it in your parameters (Airport & Handoff tab).

  17. Open your browser to http://localhost:5000

I want to generate the documentation#

Install pip Sphinx Then, For windows:

cd doc

For Linux and Mac:

cd doc
make html

I want to file a bug#

Bugs can be opened on the github issue system:

Fixes are very welcomed since we cannot treat bugs very quickly.

I want to talk with the developper team#

The CAF Annecy has a Slack where collectives development is discussed. Please contact for access.