Modules collectives.forms#

Module for Form objects

This module contains all form object used in collectives. It heavily uses the WTForm pip. By default, all form are CSRF protected. This module imports other form submodules and create some configuration for all forms.


Configure forms at app startup (eg uploads)

Module collectives.forms.auth#

Authentification related modules.

This module contains form related to authentification such as login and account creation.

class collectives.forms.auth.AccountActivationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Final form merging password (re)set and legal acceptance.

class collectives.forms.auth.AdminTokenCreationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for administrators to generate conformation tokens

class collectives.forms.auth.ExtranetAccountCreationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to create an account from extranet

class Meta
class collectives.forms.auth.LegalAcceptation(*args, **kwargs)

Form to accept or reject the legal terms of the site

class collectives.forms.auth.LocalAccountCreationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to create an account from extranet

class Meta
class collectives.forms.auth.LoginForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to log a user .

class collectives.forms.auth.PasswordForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form with a field to give change password

class collectives.forms.auth.PasswordResetForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for a user to set or reset his password.

Module collectives.forms.event#

Module containing forms related to event management

class collectives.forms.event.EventForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to create or modify an event.

class Meta
can_remove_leader(event: collectives.models.event.Event, leader: collectives.models.user.User) int

Checks whether the current user has the right to remove a leader from the form. This is prevented if:

  • There is only one leader

  • The leader is the main leader

  • The user is not allowed to remove the leader from the event

seealso:: :py:collectives.models.event.Event.can_remove_leader()


whether authorization to remove the leader is granted.

Return type


can_switch_multi_activity_mode() bool

Whether the current user can switch between single-activty/multi-activity modes. If False, this means that editing is restricted to multi-activty mode.

current_activities() List[collectives.models.activity_type.ActivityType]

the list of currently selected activities.

current_activity_ids() List[int]

the list of currently selected activity ids.

current_event_type() collectives.models.event.event_type.EventType

The currently selected event type, of the first available if none has been elected yet

current_leader_ids() List[int]

the list of current leader ids.

leader_activity_ids() List[int]

Returns the list of activities with which to filter potential new leaders.

In multi-activty mode, returns an empty list, meaning that leaders with not be filtered by activity.


List of activity ids

set_current_leaders(leaders: List[collectives.models.user.User])

Stores the list of current leaders, used to populate form fields


leaders – list of current leaders


Populates optional online registration fields with default value and description field with event description template


Setups action form for all current leaders


Updates possible choices for activity and new leader select fields

class collectives.forms.event.LeaderAction

Class describing the action to be performed for a given leader

delete = False

Whether the leader should be delete



leader_id = -1

Id of leader that will be affected by the action



class collectives.forms.event.LeaderActionForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to remove a leader from the event.

class collectives.forms.event.PaymentItemChoiceForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form allowing users to choose a payment item and price

class collectives.forms.event.RegistrationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for a leader to register an user to an event

class Meta
collectives.forms.event.available_activities(activities: List[collectives.models.activity_type.ActivityType], leaders: List[collectives.models.user.User], event_type: collectives.models.event.event_type.EventType, multi_activity_mode: bool) List[collectives.models.activity_type.ActivityType]

Creates a list of activities theses leaders can lead.

This list can be used in a select form input. It will contain activities leaders of this event can lead, plus activities given in parameters (usually, in case of event modification, it is the event activity). In any case, if the current user has a moderator role (admin or moderator), it will return all activities.

  • activities – list of activities that will always appears in the list

  • leaders – list of leader used to build activity list. Must not be empty

  • event_type – the type of the event

  • multi_activity_mode – whether this is a multi-actiivty event


List of authorized activities

collectives.forms.event.available_event_types(source_event_type: collectives.models.event.event_type.EventType, leaders: List[collectives.models.user.User]) List[collectives.models.event.event_type.EventType]

Returns all available event types given the current leaders. This means:

  • All existing event types if the current user is a moderator

  • All existing event types if all of the current leaders can lead at least one activity

  • All event types that do not require an activity in other cases, plus the source event type if provided

  • source_event_type – Event type to unconditionally include

  • leaders – List of leaders currently added to the event


Available event types

collectives.forms.event.payment_item_choice_text(price: collectives.models.payment.ItemPrice, intervals: List[collectives.utils.payment.PriceDateInterval]) str

Generates the text to be used for the payment item choice radio fields. Informs the user about the evolution of the item price across time

  • price – Cheapest currently available price

  • intervals – Price intervals as generated by generate_price_intervals()


Price selection radio field text

module collectives.forms.payment#

Module for payment forms

class collectives.forms.payment.AmountForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form component for inputting an amount in euros


Update range of price validator from the config variable PAYMENT_MAX_PRICE

Cannot be done in field initializer as current_app is not available

class collectives.forms.payment.CopyItemForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to copy payment item from an event to another.

class Meta
class collectives.forms.payment.ItemPriceForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form associated to the collectives.models.payment.ItemPrice model

class Meta

event (collectives.models.event.Event) – Event to which the payment item belongs


Returns both the price and its parent item from which this form was created If the ids are inconsistent or do not correspond to valid elements, raise a ValueError

Return type

tuple (collectives.models.payment.PaymentItem, collectives.models.payment.ItemPrice)


Sets max_uses to None if it was set to a falsy value, for clarity

class collectives.forms.payment.NewItemPriceForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form component for inputting a new item and price

class Meta

Validates that if a new item is created, then the new item title field is not empty, and is unique for this event See


Sets max_uses to None if it was set to a falsy value, for clarity

class collectives.forms.payment.OfflinePaymentForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for notifying an offline payment

class Meta
class collectives.forms.payment.PaymentItemForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for editing a single payment item and associated prices

class Meta

event (collectives.models.event.Event) – Event to which the payment item belongs


Returns both the price and its parent item from which this form was created If the ids are inconsistent or do not correspond to valid elements, raise a ValueError

Return type

tuple (collectives.models.payment.PaymentItem, collectives.models.payment.ItemPrice)


Setups form for all current prices


item (collectives.models.payment.PaymentItem) – payment item for which to create a form entry


Validates that the item title is unique for this event See

class collectives.forms.payment.PaymentItemsForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for editing payment items and prices


Returns the titles of all items other than the one with id item_id :param item_id: Id of item to exclude :type item_id: int :return: List of other item titles :rtype: list[str]


Setups form for all current prices


items (list[collectives.models.payment.PaymentItem]) – list of payment items for which to create a form entry

Module collectives.forms.user#

Module containing forms for updating user information

class collectives.forms.user.AddBadgeForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for supervisors to add badges to Users

class collectives.forms.user.AddLeaderForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for supervisors to add “Trainee” or “EventLeader” role to users

class collectives.forms.user.AdminTestUserForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for admins to edit test users info

class Meta
class collectives.forms.user.AdminUserForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for admins to edit real users info

class Meta
class collectives.forms.user.AvatarForm(user)

Form component adding an avatar field

class collectives.forms.user.BadgeForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for administrators to add badges to users

class Meta
class collectives.forms.user.ConfirmPasswordForm

Form component adding password and password confirmation fields

class collectives.forms.user.DeleteUserForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for confirming user suppression

validate_license(field: wtforms.fields.simple.StringField)

Validates that the user confirmed the license number of the account to delete

class collectives.forms.user.ExtranetUserForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for extranet users to edit their own info

class Meta
class collectives.forms.user.LocalUserForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for extranet users to edit their own info

class Meta
class collectives.forms.user.RenewBadgeForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for administrators to add badges to users

class Meta
class collectives.forms.user.RoleForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form for administrators to add roles to users

class Meta

Compute the default expiration date for a badge

module collectives.forms.order#

Helper module for explicitly ordering fields in WTForms

class collectives.forms.order.OrderedForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Extends FlaskForm with an optional ‘field_order’ property

class collectives.forms.order.OrderedModelForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Extends FlaskForm with an optional ‘field_order’ property

class Meta#

Sort fields according to their index the field_order attribute. If field_order constaints the “*”, then it will be replace by all fields that are not explicitly mentioned

module collectives.forms.validators#

Module containing custom WTForms validators.

See WTForms documentation

class collectives.forms.validators.LicenseValidator#

WTForm Validator for license fields


Generate an help sentence.


an help sentence.

Return type


length = 12#

Length of the license number.

Type: string


Construct the pattern attribute to validate license.


A regex pattern to validate a license.

Return type



Generate a sample value (place holder).


a place holder

Return type


class collectives.forms.validators.PasswordValidator#

Custom validator to check that password are strong enough when set.


A string explaining what is accepted as a suitable password

class collectives.forms.validators.PhoneValidator#

Custom validator to check that phone numbers are real phones.


A string explaining what is accepted as a phone number

class collectives.forms.validators.UniqueValidator(column=None, get_session=None, message='déjà associé(e) à un compte Collectives. Vous souhaitez peut-être récupérer un compte existant ?')#

Validator to check if a license number already exists in database


Remove all elements that are instance of :py:class::UniqueValidator


validators (list) – Validator list


List without unique validators

Return type


module collectives.forms.csv#

Module containing forms related to CSV import

class collectives.forms.csv.CSVForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Form to load events from a csv file.