Application configuration
Application configuration#
Configuration is achieved bu two means:
Cold configuration, using local file.
Hot configuration, in HMI
Cold configuration#
It contains basic and highly technical data. It is meant to be tweaked by a technician and requires a full reboot to be taken into account.
Default configuration is in Override paramteters should be in instance/
Most configuration variables can be set using eponym environment variables.
Cold configuration description#
Configuration for the Application
Base configuration is defined in /, but this file should be modified only by developper. To deploy an application with specific parameters, use instance/ WARNING: for production, some parameter MUST be modified (ADMINPWD, SECRET_KEY)
- config.ACTIVITY_TYPES = {1: {'email': '', 'name': 'Ski et surf en station', 'short': 'ski_alpin', 'trigram': 'ASA'}, 2: {'email': '', 'name': 'Escalade', 'short': 'escalade', 'trigram': 'AES'}, 3: {'email': '', 'name': 'Ski de randonnée', 'short': 'ski_rando', 'trigram': 'ASM'}, 4: {'email': '', 'name': 'Trail', 'short': 'trail', 'trigram': 'ATRAIL'}, 5: {'email': '', 'name': 'Canyon', 'short': 'canyon', 'trigram': 'ACA'}, 6: {'email': '', 'name': 'Randonnée raquettes', 'short': 'raquette', 'trigram': 'ARR'}, 7: {'email': '', 'name': 'Snow de randonnée', 'short': 'snow_rando', 'trigram': 'ASUM'}, 8: {'email': '', 'name': 'Cascade de glace', 'short': 'cascade_glace', 'trigram': 'AAL'}, 9: {'email': '', 'name': 'Alpinisme', 'short': 'alpinisme', 'trigram': 'AAL'}, 10: {'email': '', 'name': 'Parapente', 'short': 'parapente', 'trigram': 'AVR'}, 11: {'email': '', 'name': 'Randonnée montagne', 'short': 'randonnee', 'trigram': 'ARP'}, 12: {'email': '', 'name': 'VTT', 'short': 'cyclisme', 'trigram': 'AVTT'}, 13: {'deprecated': True, 'name': 'Formation', 'short': 'formation', 'trigram': 'FOR'}, 14: {'deprecated': True, 'name': 'Soirée', 'order': 99, 'short': 'soiree', 'trigram': 'SCL'}, 15: {'deprecated': True, 'name': 'Non classé', 'order': 100, 'short': 'none', 'trigram': 'NCL'}, 16: {'email': '', 'name': 'Slackline', 'short': 'slackline', 'trigram': 'ASL'}, 17: {'email': '', 'name': 'Marche nordique', 'short': 'marche_nordique', 'trigram': 'ANW'}, 18: {'email': '', 'name': 'Ski de fond et rando nordique', 'short': 'ski_fond', 'trigram': 'ASF'}, 20: {'deprecated': True, 'name': 'Jeunes', 'short': 'jeune', 'trigram': 'AJAL'}, 21: {'deprecated': True, 'name': 'Randonnées lointaines', 'short': 'randonnees_lointaines', 'trigram': 'ARL'}, 22: {'email': '', 'name': 'Via ferrata', 'short': 'viaferrata', 'trigram': 'AVF'}, 23: {'email': '', 'name': 'Dry tooling', 'short': 'dry_tooling', 'trigram': 'ADRY'}, 24: {'email': '', 'name': 'Premier secours', 'short': 'premier_secours', 'trigram': 'APSC'}, 25: {'email': '', 'name': 'Neige Avalanche', 'short': 'neige_avalanche', 'trigram': 'AAV'}, 26: {'email': '', 'name': 'Spéléologie', 'short': 'speleo', 'trigram': 'ASP'}}#
List of activity type
Contains the list of activity type as a dictionnary. id is an int, value is a hash.
is the name of the icon.trigram
is the activity id for
is the dedicated activity email- Type
- config.ADMINPWD = 'foobar2'#
Password for admin account
Will be set or reset at every application. Makes sure this is a secure password in production.
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'}#
Allowed extension for uploaded images
- Type
Number of second a configuration item can be cached before requiring an update from DB.
- Type
- config.CSV_COLUMNS = {'altitude': {'description': 'Altitude du sommet (en m)', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Altitude (en m)', 'type': 'int'}, 'carte_IGN': {'description': 'Référence de la carte IGN', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Carte IGN', 'type': 'string'}, 'cotation': {'description': 'Cotation / difficulté de la collective', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Cotation', 'type': 'string'}, 'debut': {'description': 'Date de début de la collective au format jj/mm/yyyy hh:mm (ex: 31/12/2020 14:45)', 'short_desc': 'Date de début', 'type': 'datetime'}, 'debut_internet': {'default': '7j avant la date de début de la collective à 7h', 'description': "Date d'ouverture des inscriptions par internet de la collective au format jj/mm/yyyy hh:mm (ex: 31/12/2020 14:45)", 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': "Date d'ouverture des inscriptions par internet", 'type': 'datetime'}, 'denivele': {'description': 'Dénivelé total de la collective (en m)', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Dénivelé (en m)', 'type': 'string'}, 'distance': {'description': 'Distance totale de la collective (en km)', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Distance (en km)', 'type': 'string'}, 'fin': {'description': 'Date de fin de la collective au format jj/mm/yyyy hh:mm (ex: 31/12/2020 14:45)', 'short_desc': 'Date de fin', 'type': 'datetime'}, 'fin_internet': {'default': '1j avant la date de début de la collective à 18h', 'description': 'Date de fin des inscriptions par internet de la collective au format jj/mm/yyyy hh:mm (ex: 31/12/2020 14:45)', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Date de fin des inscriptions par internet', 'type': 'datetime'}, 'id_encadrant': {'description': "Numéro de licence de l'encadrant", 'short_desc': 'Numéro de licence', 'type': 'int'}, 'nom_encadrant': {'description': "Prénom et nom de l'encadrant", 'short_desc': 'Encadrant', 'type': 'string'}, 'observations': {'description': 'Observations et description de la collective', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Observations', 'type': 'string'}, 'parent': {'default': None, 'description': 'ID (nombre) de la collective parente', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Collective parente', 'type': 'int'}, 'places': {'default': 0, 'description': 'Nombre de places', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Nombre de places', 'type': 'int'}, 'places_internet': {'default': '0', 'description': 'Nombre de places par internet', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Nombre de places par internet', 'type': 'int'}, 'secteur': {'description': 'Secteur / massif de la collective (ex: Bornes / Aravis)', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Secteur', 'type': 'string'}, 'tag': {'default': None, 'description': 'Nom du tag à ajouter', 'optional': 1, 'short_desc': 'Tag de la collective', 'type': 'string'}, 'titre': {'description': 'Titre de la collective', 'short_desc': 'Titre de la collective', 'type': 'string'}}#
Dictionnary of columns to import from CSV files.
Ordered list of columns. Dictionnary keys will be used as variables during csv import and can be inserted in description using place holders.
Key is the column name. And for each column:
short_desc: is the human readable column name
description: is a long description of the column, to be used in a documentation
type: is the column value type (can be one of string, int or datetime)
optional: if set to 1, column value is optional
default: default value
- Type
Default number of slots for online subscription to an event
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.EVENT_TYPES = {1: {'name': 'Collective', 'requires_activity': True, 'short': 'collective', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 2: {'license_types': ['J1', 'J2', 'E1', 'E2'], 'name': 'Jeunes', 'requires_activity': True, 'short': 'jeune', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 3: {'name': 'Formation', 'requires_activity': False, 'short': 'formation', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 4: {'name': 'Soirée', 'requires_activity': False, 'short': 'soiree', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 5: {'name': 'Randonnées lointaines', 'requires_activity': True, 'short': 'randonnees_lointaines', 'terms_file': '2021-09-12_Organisation_Randonnées_Lointaines.pdf', 'terms_title': "guide d'organisation des randonnées lointaines du Club Alpin Français d'Annecy"}, 6: {'name': 'Achat groupé', 'requires_activity': False, 'short': 'shopping'}, 7: {'name': 'Inscription en ligne', 'requires_activity': False, 'short': 'inscription', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 8: {'name': 'Accès libre', 'requires_activity': True, 'short': 'acces_libre', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 9: {'name': 'Entrainement', 'requires_activity': True, 'short': 'entrainement', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 10: {'name': 'Cours', 'requires_activity': True, 'short': 'cours', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 11: {'name': 'Bénévolat', 'requires_activity': False, 'short': 'benevolat', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}, 12: {'name': 'Famille', 'requires_activity': False, 'short': 'famille', 'terms_file': '{GUIDE_FILE}', 'terms_title': '{GUIDE_TITLE}'}}#
List of event types
Contains the list of event type as a dictionnary. id is an int, value is a hash.
is the name of the icon.- Type
- config.EXTRANET_DISABLE = None#
Use a connection to FFCAM server to activate accounts.
Usually set to False for tests which don’t have acces to FFCAM server such as github CI tests.
- Type
- config.EXTRANET_WSDL = ''#
URL of WSDL to connect to FFCAM server
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.FAVICON = 'caf/favicon.ico'#
URL to the site favicon
- Type
- config.FLASK_DEBUG = None#
Whether debug mode is enabled.
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.FLASK_ENV = None#
What environment the app is running in.
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.LOGGING_CONFIGURATION = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/logging.cfg'#
Logging configuration file path.
File syntax is described here: here
- Type
- config.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 5242880#
Max size to upload files.
Note: this is a Flask setting that will make the server itself refuse to upload files larger than this
- Type
- config.MAX_FILE_SIZE_MESSAGE = 'Le fichier est trop gros pour être chargé sur le serveur\u202f: [size] Mo. (max 5.0 Mo)'#
Error message if uploaded file is too big.
This error message is only used in form validation on client. [size] is a placeholder which will be replaced by the actual size of the file.
- Type
- config.PAYLINE_DIRECTPAYMENT_WSDL = './collectives/utils/payline_directpayment.wsdl'#
Path to WDSL file describing Payline DirectPayment SOAP API
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.PAYLINE_WSDL = './collectives/utils/payline.wsdl'#
Path to WDSL file describing Payline WebPayment SOAP API
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.PAYMENTS_MAX_PRICE = 10000#
Maximum price in euros for a payment item
- Type
Default number of days the online registration should end before the beginning of the event
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
Default hour of the day the online registration should end before the beginning of the event
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
Default number of days the online registration should start before the beginning of the event
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
Default hour of the day the online registration should start before the beginning of the event
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.SECRET_KEY = '\'@GU^CpusZ0G2"`=^QAt\rF]|(\''#
A secret key to securely sign the session cookie and other.
See To generate a new secret key: >>> import random, string >>> “”.join([random.choice(string.printable) for _ in range(24)]) Secret key can also be set in instance/
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////home/demo/collectives-flask2/app.db'#
Database URL
Set URL for SQLAlchemy database. Can be sqlite:
or mysql:mysql+pymysql://username:password@localhost/db_name?charset=utf8mb4
NB: When using mysql, charset must be specified to allow UTF8 character in test field.
Can be set using environment variable.
- Type
- config.UPLOADED_AVATARS_DEST = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/static/uploads/avatars'#
Folder path for uploaded user avatars.
- config.UPLOADED_DOCUMENTS_DEST = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/static/uploads/documents'#
Folder path for uploaded event documents.
- Type
- config.UPLOADED_IMGTYPEEQUIP_DEST = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/static/uploads/typeEquipmentImg'#
Folder path for uploaded type images.
- Type
- config.UPLOADED_PHOTOS_DEST = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/static/uploads'#
Folder path for uploaded event photos.
- Type
- config.UPLOADED_PRIVATE_DEST = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/private_assets'#
Folder path for private technician data.
- Type
- config.UPLOADED_TECH_DEST = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/static/uploads/tech'#
Folder path for technician data.
- Type
- config.XLSX_TEMPLATE = '/home/demo/collectives-flask2/collectives/templates/exported_event.xlsx'#
Path to Excel template.
- Type
Hot configuration#
This configuration contains less technical data, such as login credentials to external third parties (extranet, SMTP), appereance, and naming. It is saved in database.
Default configuration is stored in collectives/configuration.yaml.
Configuration is modified on ‘/technician/configuration’ by a technician or an administrator.
Hot configuration types#
See collectives.models.configuration.ConfigurationTypeEnum